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Toll Free: 1-888-328 6587

Mitsubishi GT11-50BAT Battery

BBM Battery Canada

Regular price $17.95 CAD

BBM supplies the  Replacement Mitsubishi GT15-BAT Battery and the Mitsubishi GT11-50BAT Battery  for your PLC requirements. Built in house in our ISO certified facility as a direct cross the the above batteries AND the GOT1000 Battery - these batteries are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. 


Battery Specifications:

Dimensions: 5.0mm x 25mm
Voltage: 3.0 V
Capacity : 620 mAh
Chemistry: Lithium
Terminal Type: Wire Leads / Connector

PLEASE NOTE - please pay attention to the battery polarity.  We also offer the AFPX-BATT (same battery and connector - reversed polarity). Please verify your polarity requirment prior to ordering - see link below:



This product is a high-quality, long-lasting battery replacement built specifically for use in Mitsubishi programmable logic computers (PLCs) and industrial computers. This item is an equivalent version of the original equipment manufactures (OEM) battery.

**If you require Air (overnight) shipping, these batteries must ship as Class 9 Hazardous or Dangerous Goods. There will be an additional fee of $75.00 to cover the Hazmat Surcharge, and you will be contacted for payment after ordering. (PLEASE NOTE - there is no extra charge for ground transport)**

Link to Spec sheet

Link to MSDS

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