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Lithonia Emergi-Lite 002006 Replacement Battery

BBM Battery Canada

Regular price $87.95 CAD

BBM supplies a replacement for the Lithonia Emergi-Lite 002006 Emergency Lighting Battery. Delivering 6.0V/8500mAh of power, it is a drop in replacement for the BCN7000-5-DWP Battery. This will keep your Emergency Lighting fully operational. 


BUY your Replacement Batteries from Canada's ONLY Health Canada Certified Battery Manufacturer. We are ISO 13485 Certified.



- Dual-Lite 12-802

- Emergi-Lite 002006

- Emergi-Lite 002208

- Emergi-Lite 2006

- Emergi-Lite 2208

- Gates 41B042AF02401

- Interstate NIC1356

- Lithonia ENB0607

- Prescolite E8208-11-00 REV P

- Prescolite ENB0607

- Sure-Lites 26-63

- Teig 24-4005

- Teig TO26-63

- Teledyne Big Beam N67F

- BCN7000-5-DWP

- CUSTOM-101


Capacity: 8500mAh

Type: Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd)

Voltage: 6.0V

Weight: 1.95 lbs